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There are more than 70 languages spoken in Pakistan, yet Urdu, the national language and the medium of instruction in the majority of state schools, is spoken by just 7% of the population. La politica linguistica al centro e alla periferia, The Urdu —English Controversy in Pakistan, Language Planning and Politics in Pakistan. One of them is that the elitist supporters of English have always conspired to protect it in their self-interest; the other that ethno-nationalists, supported by foreign governments, communists and anti-state agents, oppose Urdu (Abdullah, 1976; Barelvi 1987). It then relates this to efforts at localization--creating computer software in the languages of the country---and argues that all … 1, pp. This policy brief focuses on the transition from emergency assistance and relief to strengthening the health system for the long term, and the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and how they can help fragile states to rehabilitate their health systems. This article, then, examines the language-teaching policies of the state in Pakistan. Language policies and school practices in Pakistan continually perpetuate gaps between the traditionally less versus the traditionally more privileged languages. The reported opening of spaces for meaningful multilingual and contextualized voices carries useful lessons for those actors who might find their work settings limiting their agency and power. However, understandably these books are quite romanticized. A series of experiments are performed on our proposed dataset. Together, their poems offer a historiographical and literary reconstruction of cultural identity to locate women as active subjects and narrators of history. The revival of the Hebrew language is generally considered one of the outstanding sociolinguistic phenomena of modern times. Such a brain drain is already in evidence but it will increase. Average cost per pupil per year (rupees): Average tuition fees per pupil per year (rupees): Change in Religious Composition in Karachi, Occupation of the Non-Agricultural Labour Force, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Tariq Rahman, All content in this area was uploaded by Tariq Rahman on Nov 23, 2020, All content in this area was uploaded by Tariq Rahman on Feb 03, 2015. As a field, language policy used to be known as language planning and is related to other … All language policies should be made after proper research by the skilled linguistics, psychologists, sociologist and policy makers. N. Nisbett, N. Ahmed, S. Deshpande, F. Feruglio / Institute of Development Studies UK, 2017. On the other hand, other scholars such as Bernard Spolsky, Robert B. Kaplan and Joseph Lo Bianco argue that language policy is a branch of applied linguistics. Eldis is hosted by the Knowledge, Impact and Policy team at the Institute of Development Studies in the UK but our services profile work by a growing global network of research organisations and knowledge brokers. In doing so, the educators would get to know the history that the native languages are not only considered 'inappropri'ate' in the corridors of power, but any form of bottom-up activism mobilised towards their official recognition and status elevation is seen with scepticism and apprehension. Other books, especially by supporters of Urdu, invoke simplistic conspiracy theories for explaining the opposition to Urdu. See our Privacy statement. Their radical re-working of Hir’s voice attempts to de-center male authorial privilege in the Punjabi literary formation, constituting the regional vernacular as a potent site for engaging with tradition under modernity. The other official language is English, whic… The first problem will be that there will be a brain drain from the state sector to the private sector and to the international bureaucracy among the products of the English schools. We also propose a novel dataset of Urdu handwritten characters since there is no publicly-available dataset of this kind. However, the languages of the domains of power—government, corporate sector, media, education, etc.— are English and Urdu. The third problem will be that the supporters of Sindhi and, to a much lesser extent, Pashto, Balochi, Siraiki, Hindko and Punjabi, will resent the hegemony of Urdu such a policy entails. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Jammu and Kashmir’s official language is Urdu while the majority of its population speaks Kashmiri. However, some private organizations and individuals, mostly language activists run schools for children where the medium of instruction is the home language of the student. Through a close reading of their poems, “Ajj aakhan Waris Shah nu” [“Today I Call on Waris Shah”] and “Nil karaiyan nilkan” [“Blue Cloth Dyed Blue”], I argue that these progressive poets deployed the contestatory genre of Hir to critique the multiple patriarchies of nation, region and community. About 95% of students receive their primary and post-primary education in languages other than their L1. In Hebrew there is no similar comprehensive study. The Pakistani state’s response towards ethnic demands has been shaped by ‘law and order’ and ‘assimilation’ orientation rather than that of a dignified accommodation of the diverse ethnicities. A. Cheema, S.K. That is how print media discourses represent certain people belonging to in/out-groups. The mother languages of Pakistan are mostly ignored in the formal system of education in Pakistan. The national language of Pakistan is Urdu, and arrangements shall be made for its being used for official and other... 2. Pork is banned in the country. This paper aims to critically examine the trends, issues and challenges in policy and practice of English language education in Pakistan. It is important in its own right because languages empower or disempower people (Rahman 1996). They felt that … Urdu is not only the official language of Pakistan but also the national language of the country. Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. English is the official business language in Pakistan. The perceptions support the view that in Pakistan, English is required for socio- economic development and higher education and symbolises liberal values. Mohmand / Institute of Development Studies UK, 2017. We provide a detailed account of causativization in Siraiki, and attempt to explain the synchronic complexity of the Siraiki data, as well as the broader variation within modern Indo‐Aryan, in diachronic terms. A sketch of the history of Urdu in Kashmir is presented, in order to explain the issue of Kashmiri language and identity, as well as the fact that Urdu was established as the official language of the State. T. Rahman Published 2003 This paper examines the present language policy of Pakistan and its consequences for the indigenous languages of the country. 2009, Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective, 302. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. If this is true for Ben Yehuda in life, how much more so is it true in death, especially among those closest to him. This could be achieved through scholarly activism, advocacy campaigns, and public awareness programs. It is widely spoken and understood as a second language by a majority of people of Pakistan, ... Also see, for instance, Shackle (1970), and. The accuracy achieved for character recognition is among the best while comparing with the ones reported in the literature for the same task. Language Policy has to do with decisions (rules, regulations, guidelines) about the status, use, domains, and territories of language(s) and the rights of speakers of the languages in question. First Educational Conference (1947) The first National Education Conference was held at Karachi from November 27th to December 1st, 1947. South Asia is home to nearly a quarter of the world’s population and is a region of dynamic economic growth, yet it performs relatively poorly on health and nutrition indicators. There is also a chapter on the Urdu-English controversy in education as well as the minor language movements of Pakistan. The paper will also provide a critical analysis of the steps of Quaid-i-Azam which he took for the purpose of the solidarity of newly born state of Pakistan but which steps were allegedly used as a negative propaganda against the founder of Pakistan in order to give air to the ideas of separatism in the Bengalis. This entails deconstruction of socially constructed folk theories about languages and language use, developing an awareness that ‘language is socially created, and socially changeable to give voice and educate all students equitably’ (García, O. More... A. Khan, S. Naqvi / Institute of Development Studies UK, 2018. Pakistan is a multilingual country with six major and over fifty-nine small languages. Muslims observe the month of Ramadan w… If the state were to promote the teaching of Urdu, for instance, the English-using elite would be disempowered at least temporarily. Languages are also identity symbols and enable people to get access to the world view expressed in the literature written in them. There is general agreement on the broad features of state fragility, but as a category it contains significant variation. This article, then, examines the language-teaching policies of the state in Pakistan. It provides the following guidelines on language policy: Drawing on the continua of biliteracy framework (Hornberger. Language policy makers in Pakistan are recommended to mind the following points to improve communication among Pakistanis so as to lead them to respect each other’s language … All rights reserved. Language Policy is a special designed policy concerning particular language use in particular social, political and official setting. In this context the Quaid's decision for the selection of Karachi as the capital of Pakistan and his use of powers as the governor general of Pakistan would be analyzed. The man most closely associated with this revival is Eliezer Ben Yehuda. Language-teaching is important not only as part of the overall educational policy of the state but also in its own right. The current paper studies the latest language policy of Pakistan and its implications for local languages. Abstract This book will examine the role played by Ben Yehuda in the revival of Hebrew and will seek to assess objectively the significance of his contribution in this sphere. Mother Tongue Education Policy in Pakistan Language Learning Journal 2019, Mother Tongue Education Policy in Pakistan, Desire for English in Youth: An Exploratory Study of Language Learners in Pakistan, Recognition of Urdu Handwritten Characters Using Convolutional Neural Network, Radical Re-tellings of Hir: Gender and the Politics of Voice in Postcolonial Punjabi Poetry, Ethnic Diversity, Political Aspirations and State Response: A Case Study of Pakistan, Teachers as agents of transformative pedagogy: Critical reflexivity, activism and multilingual spaces through a continua of biliteracy lens, Politics, Ideology and Print Media: A CDA of Newspapers’ Headlines, Emergence of Separatist Movement in East Pakistan: Impact of Jinnah's Leadership, Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia, THE DEVELOPMENT OF BENGALI SINCE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PAKISTAN, SUCCESSES AND FAILURES IN THE MOVEMENT FOR THE RESTORATION OF IRISH, SOME PLANNING PROCESSES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDONESIAN-MALAY LANGUAGE, The Revival of Classical Tongue: Eliezer Ben Yehuda and the Modern Hebrew Language, Language planning in Israel: Solving terminological problems, Colonialism and Language Policy in Viet Nam, Sir William Jones: A Study in Eighteenth-Century British Attitudes to India, Urdu in India, Urdu in Kashmir. This paper offers a study of the impact of leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on the Bengali Separatist Movement in its preliminary stage during the first year of the life of Pakistan when Quaid-i-Azam served as its first governor general. In multiethnic countries, like Pakistan, language policies can determine who has access to schools, who has opportunities for economic advancement, who participates in political decisions and who has access to jobs etc. However, a vast section of the population speaks it as their second language. In this regard, two headlines from each newspaper about the theme of politics have been randomly selected and analysed by employing Dijk’s (2006) analytical framework of critical discourse analysis (CDA). (Eds. In this paper, we propose the use of the convolutional neural network to recognize the multifont offline Urdu handwritten characters in an unconstrained environment. Five languages have more than 10 million speakers each in Pakistan – Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Saraiki and Urdu.Almost all of Pakistan's languages belong to the Indo-Iranian group of the Indo-European language family.. Pakistan's national language is Urdu.It is also proposed to be the co-official languages along with English. After that time, Hindi should turn into the sole official dialect of the Union. Language policy has always been an important part of all the educational policies of Pakistan. The second will be that the Urdu school products, being brought up more on state sponsored texts and Urdu right wing journalism, will probably be less supportive of liberal values than even the present bureaucratic and military elite. Language Policy in Pakistan 1. It also aims at highlighting failure of the Pakistani state to translate its socio-cultural diversity in political terms, something that is at the heart of the country’s persistent problem of political order and legitimacy. Such initiatives also demonstrate that power is not always fixed in the hands of the few; rather critically conscious individuals can generate power to their own advantage. The language policy of the 1970s will be analyzed for the patterns in contrast with the present decade. Ethnic divide or ethnic militancy ranging from autonomy to political reorganisation has been a constant phenomenon haunting Pakistani politics. Language policy is an interdisciplinary academic field. Therefore, four headlines from each newspaper randomly selected carrying political themes have been analysed to explore how different discursive techniques employed in the coinage of newspaper headlines (mis)represent the same political event differently. This facilitates the elite in socio-economic mobility while functioning as an impediment for other students who cannot afford English-medium education during school years. Western attire is acceptable. Language has been intimately related to ideology and power in Pakistan. © 1973 in The Netherlands, Mouton & Co. N.V., Publishers, The Hague. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. In addition to being a national language, Urdu is also a symbol of the Muslims as well as the lingua franca (or common language) of the country. Its causative system, which has never been described in detail, shows many similarities with causative systems in related modern Indo‐Aryan languages, but also differences which render it unique within this family. Among them all, Urdu is the national language with a huge portion of speakers at 75%. Pakistan is an ideologically inspired state and Urdu was a part of this ideology. Different Education Policies of Pakistan 1. Language policy in Pakistan is meant to strengthen the state. The link between the use of language as a symbol of ethnic identity to resist the state's imposition of Urdu as the only national language if Pakistan is studied in detail with reference to the Bengali language movement, the Sindhi-Urdu controversy, the Siraiki movement, the Pashto movement, the language movements of Baluchistan and the Punjabi language movement. Political workers and service delivery in Pakistan, Social accountabilty initatives in health and nutrition: lessons from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Alcohol is officially banned for Pakistanis, but overseas visitors can buy alcohol at some leading hotels. The 1970s in Pakistan are a period of extraordinary chaos, beginning with a language-based separatist movement in East Pakistan gaining independence in 1971, the execution of a deposed elected prime minister and a nationalist language policy. Languages are also identity symbols and enable people to get access to the world view expressed in the literature written in them. The problems are as well discussed which were caused by language Its place would be taken, at least till such time that the English-using elite does not learn to adjust itself to the change, by the products of the Urdu schools. The attached desire with English language and its literature can have positive effect on students’ motivation to excel in their studies; however, unrealistic desires can harm students. The present paper, by adopting the perspective of the language policy, will show relevant aspects of the difficult relationship between New Delhi and the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (PDF) LANGUAGE PLANNING AND LANGUAGE POLICY DILEMMA IN PAKISTAN | Ahdi hassan - In this project, we have focused Langue planning and language policy (LPLP) generally, in particular, in Pakistani context and discussed the dilemma of language policy in Pakistan. Assessing the quality of research can be a tricky business. J. Cenoz, D. Gorter and S. May, 263–280. CMLA stands for the understanding of the social, political and economic struggles surrounding the use of languages (García, O. Some scholars such as Joshua A. Fishman and Ofelia Garcia consider it as part of sociolinguistics. This blog from our editor offers some tools and tips. The issue of language planning should be taken as national issue of Pakistan. The state’s policies have favored these two languages at the expense of others. It presents policies concerning the status and form of languages as well as acquisition policies pertaining to the teaching and learning of languages. Some of them are. Lai and S. May, 1–18. 369 – 381). The findings revealed that the youth’s association with English language is not just for gaining prestige; rather, they share deeper affiliations with includes a desire for acquiring the native persona, attaining global solidarity and achieving communicative competence. K. King, Y.-J. The supporters of Urdu, however, opposed English since it was the language of elite schooling, higher education and the best jobs (Abdullah 1976). Women are expected to dress modestly when attending meetings or visiting some parts of the country. The state’s language policy is really to reserve English for the elite while Urdu is spread as the lingua franca of the country. During the development of Muslim separatism in British India it had become a symbol of Muslim identity and was the chief rival of Hindi, the symbol of Hindu identity (Brass, 1974: 119–81. Language Policy Language policies are expressions of a long-lasting ‘linguistic culture—i.e., of the cultural myths and cultural values pertaining to the types of linguistic accommodations, programs, and efforts that are in accord with the brunt of local historical experience and aspiration (Schiffman 1996). The present study critically decodes the headlines of Pakistani-English newspapers to locate linguistic spin employing different political ideologies in the desired manner by the controlling groups. While Urdu is conspicuous as a symbol of Pakistani identity and national integration, other ethnic groups have seen this as a version of internal colonialism. The study participants were undergraduate students in a public university in the capital city Islamabad. While such assertions may be partly true, the defect of the publications is that no proof is offered in support of them. Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell). Researching the continua of biliteracy. This article seeks to analyse the ineluctable dilemma of Pakistan, how to weave a viable national identity out of the regional and linguistic loyalties and their political-aspirations. Ideology and Education Policy in Pakistan Mariam Durrani University of Pennsylvania This paper examines the presence of British colonial language ideologies in Pakistan’s language-in-education policy and discourses. It is important as part of overall policy because it reinforces the values, attitudes and policies promoted by the state. The study concludes that however minor the degree of agency and resistance may be in a particular context, these initiatives have the potential to transform normative perspectives about English and native/indigenous languages. In the area of pattern recognition and pattern matching, the methods based on deep learning models have recently attracted several researchers by achieving magnificent performance. Despite Urdu being the main language in the country, only 8% of the population uses it as a primary language. Most of them are related to identity and the way it is manifested in politics and culture. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, Hornberger, N.H. 2016. The WORLD Policy Analysis Center is a resource for data, maps, and analysis on policies affecting human health, development, well-being, and equity. This language is Urdu. The focus is on state controlled vernacular medium schools and not private English medium schools or madrassas (religious seminaries) though policies about them have been mentioned in passing where necessary. LANGUAGE EDUCATION POLICY IN COLONIAL PERIOD The first language education policy of … This paper is an analysis of findings from a study of women’s political voice in Pakistan under the A4EA Research Programme. Using qualitative method, the data were collected through interviews, focus groups and mind-maps of students. This might be explained as a concession to the state’s Muslim majority, being Urdu an identity symbol of the Muslims. integration and the formulation and implementation of an effective language policy. However, resistance to this project actually weakens the nation by providing a source of friction to the state’s homogenizing policies. Although Mandarin is used by the Chinese, and Urdu and other Pakistani languages by Pakistanis, English dominates the operationalization of the CPEC project for policy development and implementation with Mandarin taking the second place. The country’s population speaks more than 60 languages. The issue of language in Pakistan is not just related to linguistics. The headlines which appeared in the daily ‘Dawn’ and ‘Nation’ newspapers during the year 2014 have been categorised into various themes such as theme of politics, nationalism, internationalism, terrorism, and economics but in the present study, the researchers have only focused on the headlines carrying the topic of politics. In Research Methods in Language and Education, ed. People speak reasonably good English and have a good level of understanding. Why do some citizens receive better municipal services than others? Siraiki is a major but understudied Indo‐Aryan language spoken mainly in central Pakistan. In a society characterized by acute class division and intense class consciousness, parents from the lower, lower middle or working strata of society aspire to enroll their children in the English-medium schools. 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