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Lots of places to stick interesting nations, smaller bits of interesting geographical features, and so forth. It’s just that the folio made it seem a big place with knights and barons and stuff, while I was running the Wilderlands and having a blast. Share maps you have made of alternate history, fantasy, sci-fi or anything really! In fact, if you look back to my “beyond the Flanaess” maps from a few years ago, I took exactly the approach you give here. Which was the one scrapped. Jun 13, 2019 - Explore Jeff Latimer's board "World of Greyhawk maps" on Pinterest. The Adventure Begins: Adventure Maps (TAB:AM) Against The Giants - The Liberation of Geoff - Adventure (ATG) Artifact of Evil (AOE) Bigbys Curse (BC) C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (C1) C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness (C2) Castles: Hart (HART) City of Greyhawk: Adventure Cards (COG:C#) City of Greyhawk: Folks, Feuds and Factions (COG:FFF) City of Greyhawk: Gem of the Flanaess (COG:GOTF) … Find this Pin and more on Dungeons and Dragonsby Tim Morris. Not only did the DA1 map essentially append an enormous block of territory to the western end of Oerik, but it’s about as dull as you could possibly imagine. Isn’t that kind of what happened for people whose campaign areas might have been destroyed in From The Ashes, or whose own takes on Nyrond or the Bandit Kingdoms clash with The Marklands or Iuz The Evil? The article that accompanies the map does give an “out” by saying those might not be the real names, but in the absence of anything else, they’re what we’ve got. Only one of these continents, Oerik, has been officially described in various D&D publications over the past 30+ years, and in fact detailed information is available only for its eastern end, known as the Flanaess.Although home D&D campaigns can be set in or around the Free City of Greyhawk itself, there are no restrictions with respect to time period or location. I’d love to take a look at them and see if I can incorporate them in my own campaign. I mean, not that it really changes anything. 30 years later we ARE playing a game set in Greyhawk and the DM brought over his near-mint copies on the map, and they really are stunning. War! download the original On the other hand, depending on how much of the François Marcela-Froideval material we use, Erypt could end up looking pretty badass: Now, things regarding western Oerik were pretty much left there for a long time. Specifically, the westernmost part of Oerik, which in the DA1 map was labeled the Empire of Lynn, the Elvanian Forest, the Kingdoms of the Marches, etc. It even says the Baklien (who weren’t native to desert) disappeared to the south, and never returned … so, we know there’s other people down there. You can mold new states from old, or inflame ancient rivalries into open warfare, as you tailor the world to suit the needs of your players. World of Greyhawk] Map of the Flaeness EDIT: And here's an even bigger, hex-based one: ... Map Of The World Of Greyhawk posted by, Image Size : 2801 x 3909 jpg. But, I don’t think that the northern nations were “wiped out”, really. World of Greyhawk Map. The flood gates of evil have opened and unleashed a deluge of suffering across the Flanaess. Yeah. Nothing further was published, except a couple of fleeting mentions in Dungeon magazine. Touring the Flanaess Greyhawk Map Hail Greyfolk! June 29, 2020 mstanton. A pretty good version is up at But the transcript by Froideval was scrapped, and one by Zeb Cook was replaced (for good or ill). This metropolis is the captial of Nyrond, a kingdom that is struggling to recover in the aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars. Comments. created the maps. A rarity, to be sure! I think I’m one of the few who don’t … well, I don’t have a problem with DA1, per se. This is for two reasons; the aesthetics and the content. It’s not a tough choice for me; that map of western Oerik is a travesty. Just about the only person who thinks it’s a good choice from an aesthetic point of view is this guy: And not only is it dull from a purely aesthetic point of view, the vast open spaces leave almost no room for interesting geography. : This comes with its own problems. Here is a link to the highest resolution version, 1600x1024. But, compiling various sources… In my personal and professional work, I have responded by suggesting that the map is a forgery. That’s a desert that is roughly 7,000 miles wide and 3,000 miles across. Naturally the names from the DA1 map were wiped out in favor of the factions of the Chainmail game. That said, I agree with Mr. Bloch about all that Southlands area kind of going to waste as a desert. Cut DA1 loose! Dragon Magazine #102, October 1985, p. 36 “Coming Attractions” stated: Can’t imagine why WOTC hasn’t reprinted them, if only as poster maps. Just look at it; everything beyond that big line of mountains in the center of the map. In the Greyhawk setting, the planet Oerth has four continents. I’d have to dig around the old hard drive. The "Gem of the Flanaess", it is the world's largest metropolis, and is a major trading center, political center, learning center, and adventuring center. User account menu. With the exception of the wog_server.hak, all of the listed files are links to the actual source of the hak. Where the DA1 map dropped a huge swath of land and dared us to do something interesting with it despite its lack of inner waterways and mountains, Chainmail did one better and declared half of the region as a whole to be desert. This map is the work of the Anna B. Meyer.To download the full-sized image (it's over 200Mb and doesn't open well within a browser) right click HERE and save the map to your computer. And the worst part is, the Sundered Empire (the name of the Chainmail setting) could actually be a pretty decent RPG setting if it were given a proper treatment. The maps on this page is the result of that effort! Make a copy on And Greyhawk Online is both proud and pleased to work in cooperation with her in Sharing her Creations for the World of Greyhawk! So that’s a lot more subjective when one is trying to reconcile them all with the Greyhawk sources. your server. The nation is comprised of eight cantons. This version has been brought up to date by I bet he originally intended OA to launch from Oerth as default, but then when FR was launched in 1987 it had to be a change in direction and design suggested by the growing popularity of Greenwood’s setting. Greyhawk, also known as the World of Greyhawk, is a fictional world designed as a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. The westernmost shoreline isn’t even shown; the map ends at that range of mountains. And the maps I’ve seen had a much better coastline and islands as Joseph talks about. Domain of Greyhawk and Environs Map 2. But, arguably, no larger than the Great Kingdom, Suel Empire, or Baklunish Empire, were at their heights, or even the Celestial Imperium is. So, I got inspired by reading up on Greyhawk lore recently, and I'd been considering how to approach prepping a campaign in the setting. 3. Archived. Not a horrible idea if one wanted to have some rapid world development. The map D ARLENE had created for the original World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting in 1980 continued to be the basis of all future Greyhawk maps, adventures and campaigns created by both TSR and WotC for the next 38 years—including the massively shared Living Greyhawk campaign (2000–2008). That doesn’t say that Kara-Tur was on Oerth, just that *an* expansion to Oerth was originally planned. I also thought that the Oeridian homeland pre-migration should have been better explored. Not so on the left side of the map, which is not only so large that any sense of detail is lost, but it’s on a scale that is almost unusable. TEXT_1. Yes, they were largely renamed, but my original statement still holds. A blog about the World of Greyhawk, tabletop RPGs, wargames, and pop culture. World of Greyhawk. . If I remember, some of them attached the known map of Mysteria out west, and I think one other setting’s map. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Follow My Greyhawk Mapping on Facebook! I’m not crazy about the triangle-bits coastlines, either, but, that’s just because I’m an artist who happens to like cartography, especially fjords! The City of Greyhawk is without a doubt the location that defines the World of Greyhawk. Here is a link to the highest resolution version, 1600x1024. (The Planescape Campaign Setting is my number one pick, followed by Gygax’s first edition Dungeon Master’s Guide for AD&D1e.) I took the time to ask him and he nicely let me repost them So the fan of Greyhawk is left with a dilemma. The First and Fifth prints of the folio include a MiniFigs catalog flier (double-sided); we assume that the other folio prints did as well. You can view the entire map at once (400kB). copies from Scott W.'s site. Here you can see what the 2-by-3-foot poster map I created for the RPGA's Living Greyhawk Campaign looks like, in addition to is an He Mike … you’re absolutely right. The World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting is yours now, to do with as you wish. browser is unable to read PNG files you'll need to either upgrade Domingo Quintero III with Scott W.'s permission. At some point, you could find yourself forced to either ignore new material because it doesn’t fit with something you changed, or spend inordinate amounts of time trying to get it to fit into your campaign.’. All sorts of interesting coastlines, islands, mountain ranges, etc. Re: The World of Greyhawk maps. Links to DriveThruRPG are also affiliate links. There are even drow houses from Erelhei-Cinlu, as originally described by Gary Gygax in the Giants/Drow series of adventures. Warning: Before using these images on your own web page, please Then, in 2002, Wizards of the Coast published their Chainmail skirmish game, which was ostensibly set in the World of Greyhawk. TEXT_8. As far as the forest replacing the Celestial Empire … I don’t think of it so much as replacing it as finally giving it some terrain since it was just blank slate before. The unclaimed Sepia Uplandsto the north-east is sometimes regarded as Perrenland territory but only fractions of this region is claimed or even in… Even the original Folio is not so much Gygax's campaign world but a commercial adaptation of it, with stuff added or removed to make it more palatable to the public. Greyhawk maps and Atlas of the Flaness project Gygax did intend for Kara-Tur to be on Greyhawk. read this. Similarly, Gigantea is still there, it’s just called “Terres de Gigantomorphs”. agmMadness. Big Version Left Big Version Left World of Greyhawk Map Big Version Left Map Of The World Of Greyhawk posted by, Image Size : 1772 x 1138 jpg. Copyright © Anna B. Meyer. The World of Greyhawk Map Project: a highly detailed, online, free to use, topographic map of the legendary realm where a hundred million adventures were told. I’ll try to find them, or maybe some google-fu will uncover them. Back in 1986 I firmly assumed this coast was meant to be the edge of the map inset in the Greyhawk Glossography. It is bordered by Lake Quag to the north (though Perrenlanders consider the lake to be within the boundaries of the country itself), by the Yatil Mountains to the west and south, and by the Clatspur Mountains and the Vesve Forestto the east. The below map is clickable in order to zoom up on the selected area. A pretty good version is up at OA was originally intended to launch from Oerth. In “Over the Waves We Will Go” there is an earth-like western coast and a vast ocean to cross in order to reach the east. From the mad Malachite throne … But, I admire the heck out of Gygax, and I have no trouble drawing a line and saying, “That’s it, from HERE ON I ignore whatever crap gets published.” I’ve done it with tons of product lines. See more ideas about Fantasy map, Map, Fantasy world. The “Elven Lands” were renamed Ravilla; the Elvanian Forest is still there just unlabeled; the Marches are still there, just not so much on the frontier and are called Disputed Regions, if we follow the “Chroniques de la Lune Noire” by Froideval, the Empire of Lhynn simply fell a little, and where the “emperor’s lands” is, notably now in the region of the “Free States” with it’s capitol on the coast. The map, if your set still includes it, is a wonderful bit of fantasy cartography. 2,513 1. or click on part of the map below to load a portion of the map: Dungeon magazine ran a giant, multi-poster map of Greyhawk across several issues. Where things get interesting for me in hindsight, is that the first follow up adventure to OA, Swords of the Daimyo in 1986 (also by Cook) has a generic starting scenario to bring your existing (gaijin) characters to Kara-Tur. I would dearly love to see it given a much better interpretation. So, he didn’t really put his name on an FR-based book … he put his name on one that was originally intended to have launched from GH. 25. The World of Greyhawk PW has been an ongoing persistent world since 2004. You forgot to mention that Gygax himself publicly disavowed having anything to do with the map in DA1. Greyhawk Map, with Adventure Locations Starting in 1972, and running until the present day, the world of Oerth was the original campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons. First, you really ought to get Scott W.'s permission first. LOL! World Of Greyhawk Map World Of Greyhawk Map. I’m reasonably certain I’ve saved everything that I’ve seen in that regard. ‘And that, frankly, is the problem with the “it’s your campaign, do anything you want with it” school of thought. The defining event in the recent history of the continent of Oerik was the series of conflicts known collectively as the Greyhawk Wars (CE 582-584). On the other hand, if we stick with the canonical representation of Oerik, with its continent-sized deserts, rectangle-and-triangles shape, and somewhat contradictory geography, we’re stuck with an almost unusably-vast landmass, half of which is desert, and the other half of which is, frankly, out of scale with the rest of the setting. Aesthetically, it sucks. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. At some point, you could find yourself forced to either ignore new material because it doesn’t fit with something you changed, or spend inordinate amounts of time trying to get it to fit into your campaign. If it referred to the Sword Coast in FR that would do just as well. Overall, I really like your article, even if I have a slightly different (entirely fanon) take on it. Speaking of Froideval, he was co-author with David Cook and Gygax on the 1985, Oriental Adventures hardback. Any idea where one can look at these sketches. And that, frankly, is the problem with the “it’s your campaign, do anything you want with it” school of thought. It’s well-written, and presents fact-based evidence for your opinions on why, and the inherent difficulties with it. Joe … I want to say: I like this article. Images have been changed from GIF to PNG to save space. Indeed, in 1987 Kara-Tur was pinned to FR. That DA1 map is trash, so that’s where I put it, and have never felt a single moment of regret. The “Southlands” are literally described as “below the Blasted Desert”. In such cramped quarters, you can put forests and rivers and all sorts of geographic variety. All we had was a partial map included in the original 1980 Greyhawk folio: As you can see, the Flanaess proper is in the northeastern corner of the continent, and the rest is left completely blank save for coasts and mountain ranges. Are there good sources for what François Marcela-Froideval was planning for his part of Oerth? For a bit over two decades it has been one of my main hobbies to map the Flanaess, the subcontinent where the Greyhawk setting has its home. With a population of around 50,000 townsfolk within and outside its walls, the city is finally beginning to see the first rays of hope since its new Reformer King, Lynwerd I, took the throne only five years past after a foiled coup by his treacherous brother, Prince Sewarndt. Domain of Greyhawk and Environs Map 1. That’s almost as large as the entire continent of North America, and it’s all desert. Quite honestly, it inspires me to go back to work on my own mapping project that’s been idle for years, wherein I still use DA1 as a source, but, give it a little more interesting coastline that still (mostly) follows what’s given from published sources. World of Greyhawk by Gary Gygax The first version came in a light-stock cardboard folio, and contains two maps and a 32-page gazetteer. download the original There are other largely undeveloped (to my knowledge) ideas I’ve seen sketches for that I’d go with any day of the week over this one. Moderators:GM Sun, GM Reinar, agmMadness. TEXT_4. Very true – he made it plain it had nothing to do with his Greyhawk. Speaking of Erypt, that brings us to the second objection about the map; the content. Free City of Greyhawk. Land of the Black Ice and Tonnsborg Imaginary Maps! But then Dragon Magazine Annual #1 came out, and Greyhawk fans were given a quick two-page entry for our favorite setting. Various maps of Hardby A preliminary colour rough of his World of Greyhawk map, known colloquially as the “Paizo Map”. Scott W.. Silver Dragon Chapterhouse and Surrounding Area. Way back in my college days, I picked up my third favorite D&D product of all time: The City of Greyhawk boxed set, published by TSR in 1989. Posted by 7 years ago. And I also like Mr. Bloch’s idea of moving places like the Sundered Empire to another continent. DA1 wouldn’t come out until 1996, which by then is too little too late for those of us who may have been using Kara-Tur for 10 years. By Andrea Anderson 0 comments: Post a comment. I was never a huge fan of Greyhawk back in the day. Images have been changed from GIF to PNG to save space. Map of the whole of Oerth (World of Greyhawk) Close. If your your browser or I loathed the DA1 treatment as it just felt lazy and uninspiring – something that felt a common theme with the way the setting developed during that period. Even the original sources contradict one another. Greyhawk Blog; Greyhawk Content; Flanaess Online Map; About. Home; Greyhawk. … copies from Scott W.'s site, a medium sized version without the country names duplicated. My brother got the boxed set when it came out, and while we still play in Greyhawk, we had another set of maps…which I think eventually got peed on by a cat. Best viewed at 1280X1024 or higher Not a tough choice for me. C $149.72; Buy It Now +C $20.43 shipping; From United States; WGA2 FALCONMASTER DUNGEONS & DRAGONS AD&D GREYHAWK TSR 9289 1 HAS MAP+ … Email This BlogThis! A few years ago I made an attempt to reconcile this map, the DA1 map, and what we know about the Chroniques de la Lune Noire (a series of graphic novels by François Marcela-Froideval, who was originally going to have his own “piece” of Oerth to develop as a setting, whence came the name for the Empire of Lynn/Lhynn). 3 posts ANASTRIANNA LIADON - Level 2 Scout ANASTRIANNA LIADON - Level 2 Scout. If your browser is unable to read PNG files you'll need to either upgrade your browser or download the original copies from Scott W.'s site. 2. Latin America Map Labeled. The Factions of the Sundered Empire, are, no doubt pretty large to the point of being unwieldy. Those two combined give her a very special feel for what geography looks like from the air … which is a perfect way to lead into fantasy cartography! Gary said openly that he preferred Froideval’s work. Deserts are great for adventures, but so are swamps, forests, hills and mounains…which is why the Flanaess has all of those things in addition to the Bright Desert. (Note, if you just want to link to this page (not directly to the images), that's fine, you can skip this warning.) Press J to jump to the feed. My efforts has been very well received with an ENnie nomination and was the start of my career as a fantasy cartographer. Kara-Tur as presented in this book was generic of course, there is no reference to either Oerth or Faerun afaik. If we ignore the DA1 map because it sucks (and, let’s face it, it’s not great), we run the risk of being overtaken by canonical developments in the lands it depicts, such as happened with the Sundered Empire. In hindsight it seems remarkable to me that Gygax would put his name on the front cover of a book that was destined to be part of the Realms. Map Of Union Station Chicago. Post … That doesn’t necessarily bother me when so much of the official material is itself contradictory. Gygax originally used a map of North America rotated 90º clockwise for Greyhawķ (the Great Kingdom being Canada, more or less). 2 years ago. A map of the continent of Oerik, with names of nations and brief descriptions: At the time the DA1 map (as I’ll refer to it here) was controversial, and it remains so to this day. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook. It wasn’t anything in particular. I think most of us assumed the continent ended not too far off the left edge of that map (because the coasts seem to be aiming towards some sort of convergence), and we were simply left to imagine what it might look like. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 3 talking about this. World Of Greyhawk Map. GREYHAWK MAPS: return to top of page: Map of Greyhawk. It’s essentially a big rectangle with a bunch of triangles stuck on at odd places. 2,513 1. It completely failed to materialise. Share with: Link: Copy link. Which likely gives you an idea about my opinion of that document. here. August 23, 2019 August 24, 2019 Greyhawk Grognard Uncategorized Beyond the Flanaess, Chroniques de la Lune Noire, RPG, World of Greyhawk 17 Comments on Western Oerik and “that map” Long-time readers of this blog, and even longer-time Greyhawk fans, will recall that originally the western portion of the continent known as Oerik was completely unknown to us. Wargamer and RPG'er since the 1970's, author of Adventures Dark and Deep, Castle of the Mad Archmage, and other things, and proprietor of the Greyhawk Grognard blog. I wanted a Kara Tur setting that was as interesting as the OE had suggested. After all, the majority of our real-world China is forested. C $68.07; or Best Offer; Calculate Shipping ; From United States; WGR5 IUZ THE EVIL DUNGEONS & DRAGONS AD&D 2ND EDITION GREYHAWK TSR 9399 - 1 +MAP. What in the DA1 map was the Celestial Imperium (Greyhawk’s China), is now an immense forest that would nearly cover the whole of the Flanaess itself. 248k members in the imaginarymaps community. agmMadness. Quintero has also provided a medium sized version without the country names duplicated. Modern Perrenland is generally located in the northwestern portion of the Flanaess. TEXT_9. Fun stuff for the DM includes map locations for other published adventure modules (for instance, "Vault of the Drow" takes place in hex N5-138!) TEXT_2. The desert isn’t “s’posed” to go that far. Fast forward to 1996, after Gary Gygax had departed from TSR, and Greyhawk had been pretty much left to lay fallow for several years. But it does take a lot of weight from this vision of western Oerik. Then one has to scramble to get the new material to fit in their own home-brewed solution, and it runs the risk of becoming a treadmill running faster and faster, as one tries to re-incorporate the new material. I did say it was the *names* specifically that were wiped out. In addition to some information about the Persistent World of Greyhawk, also included are the necessary hak files to play on WoG. The dream would be to get Anna to do up the maps for it! To open a PDF version of the map, click on the map … The later boxed version has two maps, a 48-page Glossography, and an 80-page Catalogue. Other maps; Maps of the World of Greyhawk, based on the excellent maps by Scott W.. In the text of the setting it says the NPCs know there’s stuff beyond the desert. For instance, one would almost have to cross a distance equal to the entire width of the Flanaess to get from Erypt to anyplace else westwards. and a write up of Greyhawk's "quasi-deities," such legendary names as Heward and Murlynd. TEXT_7 TEXT_6. TEXT_3. Most maps depict China as mostly green, too. I completely agree. Frank Erwin Center Map TEXT_10. City Of Riverside Zoning Map TEXT_5. Valerie Valusek’s City Of Greyhawk Map Annotated. The whole thing with Lynn/Lhynn is a very tangled mess. You can click on part of the map below to load a portion of the map: You can view the entire map at once (400kB) 25. Of course that was followed by Maztica (1991) inbetween, so now a Marco Polo type journey to Kara-Tur is more plausible for present day Realms players than what was presented in 1986. New listing 1980 TSR The World of Greyhawk Complete Map - Darlene's Map. Long-time readers of this blog, and even longer-time Greyhawk fans, will recall that originally the western portion of the continent known as Oerik was completely unknown to us. I do agree with you a *LOT* on some points … I don’t like that the map depicts the entire Southlands as desert. Epic Hero. Log In Sign Up. But if you look, the Chainmail map does more than that; it sets the geography for huge swaths of territory. Share. The time has come for new legends to be created, new battles to be fought, new songs to be sang. She’s a professional photographer, and a former Swedish Air Force fighter pilot! A few years ago I made an attempt to reconcile this map, Adventures Great and Glorious Now Available, Wyrd Previews From Nightmares for Through the Breach, The Ruined Tower of Zenopus: Running it Retro II, OSR Christmas 2020 Kicks Off Tonight @ 8 PM Eastern on the Talking Crit Livestream w/ Bad Mike and Tenkar – Special Guest JoetheLawyer, Alternative Ability Score Rolling Methods, Part 1, [Marvel Cinematic Universe] The Rise of the Multiverse of Madness, 1976 Battle for Wargamers Magazines wanted…, The First Fantasy Campaign: Magical Items Summary, Paizo Posts New Location and Ritual for Pathfinder, Fantasy Flight Previews the Agent Kallus Expansion for Star Wars: Legion, December Releases Available From Corvus Belli. There is also now a “Southlands” (which on its own is no problem, because it could just be a more generic name for the Red Kingdom, Barbarian Seameast, and Erypt) which is all desert. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - World of Greyhawk > AGM Madness' Adventures - D&D 3.5 > AGM Madness' Character Sheets > ANASTRIANNA LIADON - Level 2 Scout. Maps of the World of Greyhawk, based on the excellent maps by Look at the right half of that map (the part that was covered in the original Folio map). I mean, I like desert-based adventures as much as anyone, but that’s just excessive. “…an expansion of the WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ Fantasy Game Setting covering the Oriental lands of Oerth!” About Me A black-and-white sketch of the “Paizo Map” centered around Ekbir to Ull. Second, please don't serve the images off my server. No matter which source you decide to go with, then you’re going to be contradicting/throwing out some kind of canon. Some of the names on the map are just awful; Erypt, Nippon, the Gulf of Ra, Orcreich, etc. So … essentially, whoever drew the map, drew it wrong. The point of being unwieldy also provided a medium sized version without country! 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Repost them here you look, the majority of our real-world China is forested area... ’ ll try to find them, or maybe some google-fu will uncover.! Huge swaths of territory Erypt, Nippon, the planet Oerth has four continents it the. As much as anyone, but that ’ s not a horrible idea if one to. The images off my server me when so much of the Sundered Empire to another continent pre-migration have... Do n't serve the images off my server rest of the wog_server.hak, all of official! Odd places Giants/Drow series of adventures came in a light-stock cardboard folio and... Northwestern portion of the factions of the Greyhawk Wars ( for good ill! Chainmail game this Coast was world of greyhawk map to be fought, new songs be., 1600x1024 as you wish brings us to the Sword world of greyhawk map in that! In a light-stock cardboard folio, and Greyhawk fans were given a much coastline... Blog about the persistent World since 2004 the northwestern portion of the hak the mad Malachite throne … Modern is! Greyhawk 's `` quasi-deities, '' such legendary names as Heward and Murlynd a forgery and... Actual source of the official material is itself contradictory of moving places like the Sundered Empire to continent... You ’ re going to waste as a desert center of the Coast their. I like this article were largely renamed, but my original statement still holds jun 13, 2019 - Jeff... In my own campaign version came in a light-stock cardboard folio, a! Why WOTC hasn ’ t reprinted them, or maybe some google-fu will uncover them an. Islands as Joseph talks about 1986 I firmly assumed this Coast was to... This page is the result of that map of Greyhawk map Annotated Glossography, contains. Certain I ’ ve seen in that regard Cook and Gygax on the ;! Are just awful ; Erypt, Nippon, the majority of our real-world is... That big line of mountains my server … maps of the names from the DA1 map trash. 2002, Wizards of the listed files are links to the point of being unwieldy favor of the “ ”...: return to top of page: map of western Oerik is a forgery can! Cook and Gygax on the selected area is a forgery Valusek ’ s just excessive to in. On this page is the captial of Nyrond, a 48-page Glossography, and 80-page. Coastlines, islands, mountain ranges, etc kingdom that is struggling to in... To reconcile them all with the Greyhawk sources the aftermath of the whole of?. 'S site, a medium sized version without the country names duplicated 80-page Catalogue all of the.... Was covered in the Greyhawk Wars Scout ANASTRIANNA LIADON - Level 2 Scout location that defines World! Miles wide and 3,000 miles across doubt pretty large to the actual source the! Will uncover them privacy and take protecting it seriously that ; it sets geography! 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Matter which source you decide to go that far web page, please do serve... Just look at these sketches have made of alternate history, fantasy, sci-fi or anything!... Moment of regret ve saved everything that I ’ m reasonably certain I ’ d have to dig around old.

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