
strawberry hay bale

How it is even possible that such poisonous manure or straw are being sold? If this is true how can farmers grow different crops in the next year. I would advise someone considering this wonderful form of gardening to do their homework and learn the correct ways to condition the bales and to try to find out the history of the bales you use. Out of my eagerness for success and the necessity to find ways to save my plants, I’v discovered that gardening is so much more than just water, dead fertilizer, and novelties such as straw bale gardening. Love my straw bale garden. You also may want to get a couple of metal stakes to drive into the ground at either end of the bale for stability. Blessings to you. The statement above concerning glyphosate killing a tree is one example. Unfortunately not all organic farmers “get it”, some are just stupid chemical farmers that converted to chase that sweet sweet organic money. I have collected some bales of straw the last few years from our April Off-road motorcycle races here I have followed Joel Karsten’s book and have had straw bale gardens for 6 years now. Hay is usually gathered up into bales, and stored for the animals to eat during the winter when the grass is not growing. ]. If you will buy a 100-pound bale of alfalfa worth $17, you will get this result: 2,000 lb. It is great that people like you are teaching us about what is done to the animals and plants and our planet in general, rising the alarm. If the bales are conditioned right it seems that the composting aspect of it, where the bales can reach temperatures of 130 + during the conditioning phase, seems to remove most chemicals and or pathogens and or weeds before you even plant them. Finally I feel comfortable planting broad leaf plants. The soil beneath a pile of rotten hay or straw improves marvelously after a year or so, leaving a patch of humus-rich earthworm-populated earth. As an alternative, my sister introduced me to a process where you make piles of deadwood and other compost-type materials, cover this pile with good soil, and plant on top of that. Gardeners disagree about where the string tying together the straw bale should be: some say on the ground, others say along the side. It would destroy my farm! On of the things I saw in one of his video’s was comment about herbicides. However, I have learned to politely ask ask about their perspectives in the use of chemicals, and to politely decline to buy from them if they don’t seem clear about the impact of the chemicals some do use. $15. Make three evenly spaced holes in the top of the bale with a dibbler. Essentially, the best thing anyone could do with a contaminated bale would be to use it for a straw bale garden, which would completely degrade any contaminate such as those of concern in this discussion. Second year, I bought wheat straw from a beef farmer in Pennsylvania. It passes through the animal. Contact us for availability or orders. In 2015 we had tons of rain and the garden went crazy in a matter of 3 to 4 weeks. I just wanted to add that I had my whole yard and veg garden ruined for 10 years or more from accepting some cheap ‘farm topsoil’ sold to folks who were helping me level and landscape. Bravo, Joel Karsten I have been straw bailing for several years without problems along with Earth Boxes Either UVM Extension or Cornell published instructions. This was the best stuff I ever used. I bought round bales of straw for a horse shelter and almost 15 years later, there is still no sign of anything sprouting out of the straw. Just buy a bale of straw, go through t… Think of the reports on Aspertame changing into wood alcohol when left out in the sun and being the suspected culprit of illness of our troops after Desert Storm. Use citrus essential oil in water and spray if needed. In South Africa our agriculture is a carbon copy of that in America. Thank you! $22.99 $ 22. Storing bare-root strawberry plants can be difficult. So are the EPA and the NIH telling the truth in the above links to two most recent studies that all the hype over the toxicity of Glyphosate aka Round-Up, is total bunk? Grandpa's Best Timothy Hay Mini Bale. My Wilco farm store said I should consider all straw contaminated unless purchased as organic or grown on my own land. The grain you eat (or rather the killers in the grain) then kill microbes in your digestive tract. It is also pesticide free because I don’t use any on the rye, no need to, making it great for straw bale gardening. Always check where your organic material, straw, manure or other, comes from, and if you can´t ensure it´s pesticide (and antibiotics) free, don´t use it, at least not to grow vegs in. We have avoided this problem by only using mixed hay/straw/alfalfa bales. It may be hard to find but is well worth a drive and the cost. Running a simply assay test on any media one intends to use in a garden is simple and easy to do, and will quickly identify any potentially damaging chemicals in that media. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Not certain what we’re going to do once we start up our patch. Glyphosate is being found in our water, soil, and our bodies. When the backyard gardening conference last summer was held, I was sold on the straw bale garden concept. I use Hay and Straw interchangeably with no problems, so you have a larger list of places to secure your bales. Did you know that the LD50 (lethal dose of 50% of exposed) Coffee is 192 mg/kg which means coffee is 29 times as deadly to a humans as Round-Up. My next door neighbor grows it and I can see how he does that, as well as ask him about his spraying techniques. As the grains/grasses grow, they uptake these toxins without harm. I guess not even the azomite could overcome using the hay bales. That had me worried. OF COURSE NOT! Apparently, clopyralid (and similar herbicides) can be active for years. Wrap around engine cover helps keep engine Dang, so we started buying straw thinking it was better than hay that may have been sprayed with grazon. Rabbits + veggies goes a long way towards self-sufficiency. Nutrients are also temporarily tied up. Many NH & VT towns , contractors , farmers & landscapers have surprises at what grows when they put down hay or regular straw as mulch. I will stick with my conventional gardening. The Grow Network is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for our team to earn fees for recommending our favorite products! Roundup/glyphosate as well. Step 2. Made sure it was dried out in the open for a year before working it in along with my compost. Something to remember is that plants make their own chemicals which impede predation and competition. Plant one strawberry plant per hole and top up with extra mix. It is the same as straw, that meaning it shakes out well, will go through a chopper/blower well & looks good on the ground. If you pick a grassy area, put several layers of newspaper or a piece of cardboard underneath to keep grass and weeds from growing up into the bale. “In the years I’ve been advocating for the deep mulch method of gardening, I’ve had a couple people ask if I’ve ever had problems using non-organic hay. Usually after a rain, they would explode with ink cap mushrooms. Deb you really need to read the clopyralid label and a farmer surely would know what he has sprayed on his crops as he is most certainly going use to use it according to the directions on the label. I am so glad I had yet to buy my bales that I was going to overwinter for the garden next season. Keep your head in the sand if you want, but don’t try to educate me about the use of Ag Chemicals until you get your basic facts in order. worms. Always use straw bales sourced from a reliable farm grown organically. The whole time he is offering you a cup of coffee from his kitchen when you come to pick up your bales he is thinking about “how can I take money from this person and sell them some bales that will ruin their gardens for the rest of eternity.” You must believe this in order to believe that this happens on a regular basis. Chemicals will leach into soil and travel through it. We have a farm in Rivas, all organic and don’t use bought material but know of others who do. When decomposing, it creates an environment that is too “hot” for many plants to thrive. I no longer use manure but mulch with barley straw from a grower who assures me he does not use persistent herbicides. Obviously some have had evidence of gardening gone wrong by using straw or hay bales and it has to be from what has been sprayed on them. This can be quickly resolved by adding applications of humid acid and a high quality soil microorganism product. I needed extra gardening medium as my raised beds were already planned for. Put in a chicken wire composter and load it up. Ok, now I am wondering about my chicken poop that I use in the garden and rabbit poop too. I lost my seeded veg garden for about three years after using store bought hay instead of from my local source when he ran out due to drought. I humbly apologize as I stand corrected severely. It just wouldn’t heat up, no matter what I did. in urine. Don’t forget the worms. Lots of grain for major beer companies is grown here…I wonder how many spray their fields.. I now am very diligent about warning students and clients about this to make sure they use organic straw for any gardening or compost applications. Once the interior of your bales are composted, however, (which may take much more frequent watering and a longer time than with straw, fair warning! And the evidence is mounting. I hate to say it — but the U.S. is dead meat, literally. I planted watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers, and several varieties of winter squash in 10 bales. All my straw is from an organic farmer I know and no use of any pesticides are allowed on my property (about 50 acres). Stunted or did not grow at all. A test was developed using pea seeds to verify yea or nay quickly. But I was wondering if I added it to my burn pile and then spread it out on the ground would that destroy the bad chemicals in it if there are any? I was like, “what’s wrong with straw”? By the acute standard of LD50, glyphosate is indeed less toxic than either caffeine or table salt. Candee, The sudden and total demise of the U.S. is prophesied all through the Bible, and it’s huge, and the precipitating event of what the Bible calls the Great Tribulation. The bees aren’t dying because people are “organic” gardening. Since I am buying leftovers I get certified organic straw for the price of conventional. “Weeds” like blackberries, amaranth, etc. Water well and continue to feed and water regularly. These chemicals remain in composted horse and cow manure for many years. I never thought of this though. He grows 25 acres of corn yearly and sprays cow manure on it multiple times a year. Although using mykhorizza and promoting microorganisms may take away some of the effect of the bad things, when it comes to things we are supposed to eat it is better to be safe than sorry. Several years later I grew a wonderful crop of onions there. How long are these chemicals potent? If the second and third set of leaves look normal, the straw, hay, or manure is probably safe to use. If that is sprayed, then would the manure be contaminated, also? So question: if straw bales grow everything I planted for 2 seasons, are they probably safe? I reason that a good test would be to plant peas in a random bale to see if the seed comes up and produces a quality plant. I’ve had good success soaking straw bales and keeping them moist for a season. I don’t use it as a top mulch for any perennials either, vegetable or flower. ‘They’ don’t want you to be able to feed yourself. This is important stuff for people to know, it isn’t just click bait, it’s bringing people real information on just how dangerous the world has become, when farming relies on poisoning the food we eat. Read More: “Straw Bale Gardening: How to Succeed”. 13 HP electric start Honda engine.Small size for easy portability fits into standard pick-up truck beds. If barley seeds sprout simply pull them out. The potatoes did not like it–distorted stems and leaves, few potatoes (they went in the garbage). / 100 lb. I buy his year old bales that he wants to get rid of for the new hay crop to go in his barn. I’ts against the law to feed them, so their diet is A straw bale is NOT an ideal growing media. Great post. Spiders hate the smell of citrus:). This article is EXTREMELY misleading. Phone: (315) 549-5005 Call. My friend Luzette knows as well, though her gardens were destroyed by manure, not directly via straw or hay. Shop wheat straw (up to 80-sq ft coverage) in the pine needles & straw mulch section of Abundance of produce galore. The corn, which is a grass, will be unaffected. Thanks Joel, I hate it when they write these articles because most people over react and I live in an area where there isn’t much spraying done and have not had any problems, I will still continue to teach your way of straw bale gardening for as long as people have gardens. I once got one bale of hay in a semiload that must have been sprayed with something.. it looked normal, but where it had sat on the ground NOTHING would grow for almost 8 years. Click HERE if you are new to straw bale construction and want to start learning. Would that be free from pesticides? Thank you for this article. I was wrong. Affected fields were planted with corn which was not affected by the toxin residuals. So if it was not Roundup then I guess it was the imaginary garden devil who did the dirty work. If the alfalfa ( a broad leaf) is part of the mix the bales cannot have been sprayed with grazon or the like. I still used the straw and noticed some very minor stunting in some of my plants. But! Thanks for supporting TGN! Bean seeds watered with it will be deformed, corn seeds will be unaffected. Farmers have been told for years that it’s safe.. just as doctors used to tell people it was safe to smoke… so because they believe that they not only sell it, but they sell it for feed extender as well as bedding. Good luck to everyone with your gardening work and choices. Select a location in full sun. One thing to remember with most of these persistent herbicides, wormers, etc is that they do break down rapidly with exposure to UV light (i.e. Of course it is always best to know your materials and what they may have hidden within them. Yet if that hay or straw came from a field that was sprayed with one or more persistent herbicides such as Grazon™ or CleanWave™, the vegetables in your straw bale gardens will be wrecked. It’s a huge problem. You'll also want to stock up on our tasty honey, harvested right here on the farm , as well as our farm fresh jams, jellies, preserves, and salad dressings . It is definitely possible there is some chemical residue in the straw. Just a quick Google image search will show you lots of beautiful straw bale gardens. The article said big suppliers of hay basically. No, it’s because I mix manure from the box store into my container gardens. Remember the stories of potato blight? sunlight). Will help people avoid this potential garden disaster! That’s probably why David had pretty good success with the feed store swept up free hay. Fill each hole with Tui Strawberry Mix and work it into the straw … If what you are saying is correct farmers would not be able to grow crops soil poisoned. Last year was my first year using straw bales. Hope to hear back from you! Hay bales are usually grown and sold as horse or livestock feed and contain seeds that can later sprout into plants. I remember doing several “pea tests” to identify clopyralid residuals. The bees are dying because of some CHEMICAL being used in their environment. People have to go by their own experiences and do their own research into what to use on their gardens. Thank you for some remedial advice. I’ve watched Roundup stay active on litter and straw and wood mulch… when it’s not supposed to persist ON BARE SOIL., but it DOES persist in the organic layer and destroy beneficial microbes (it’s a patented chelator and antibiotic). favorite this post Dec 11 Alfalfa Hay and Orchardgrass Hay ... Hay For Sale $35 (jbr > Strawberry, AR) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. The only issue I have with this well written and useful article, is that, no, the animals aren’t unaffected… their guts and immune systems get ravaged by the chronic exposurexposures to this too. My current garden soil has been under my care for 13 years and is full of helpful earthworms, and no chemicals. Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1. Or, if you want to give your bale a more polished, … About 10cm deep will do the trick. If something I bring in to compost, mulch or plant isn’t certified organic I make sure I know where it came from and what practices were used to grow it. It’s worth taking the time to do this. I’m in Virginia City, NV, zone 7a, elev. Clearly some people still don’t realize how badly dessication has spread now that foliar application got the green light for GE crops. Just make sure you get non-sprayed Timothy Hay for them to eat. Not something I had thought much about. Your current approach is throwing the baby out with the bath water. I don’t put hay or straw IN my garden, but I do lay down flakes of hay or straw on the pathways thru my garden so I don’t have to walk on the muddy pathways after watering or a rainy day. Once this is done, you are ready to dig your holes, add some soil and plant. It would be nice if instead of discouraging people to use beneficial gardening methods you would instead warn them to educate themselves about chemical contaminants in agricultural materials and products and how to identify and avoid them. This alfalfa can be sprayed with roundup & grazed or harvested in 5 days. Hotter climates break down the herbicide at a quicker rate. With that said, if you have a bale made from straw which was treated with a clopyralid or aminopyralid herbicide, and you planted vegetables into that bale, would the vegetables grow and thrive? All growing is above ground. You’re right, Joe! I know it’s okay if the straw bales were sprayed with Harmony but what about Caramba and Headline? Very true! They rotate crops from grains, grasses, corn and soy as well as others, how could they do this if what you say is true? Nice list, Pam. I’ve been thanked multiple times from people that have either saved their gardens from these poisons—or who had finally figured out what had wrecked their crops. Phone: (315) 549-5005 Call. and haven’t used any in my compost barrel. I’d do a test area before using it everywhere. It will die if pesticides are present. As a landscaper in Sweden, one of the worlds strictest countries when it comes to the use of pesticides, I have still advocated this for years. This is a weed killer for lawns, pastures, and grain crops that doesn’t harm the grass or grain. Breakdown of the herbicides is most rapid in sunlight under warm, moist conditions and may be enhanced with irrigation. Yeah, I loved the idea of straw bale gardening, too. It is the home owners that cause more contamination to the soil and water than any farmer ever will. Just say no. David The Good is a Grow Network Change Maker, a gardening expert, and the author of five books you can find on Amazon: Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting, Grow or Die: The Good Guide to Survival Gardening, Totally Crazy Easy Florida Gardening, Create Your Own Florida Food Forest, and Push the Zone: The Good Guide to Growing Tropical Plants Beyond the Tropics. Every year I buy straw bales from a certified organic farmer. Being mindful of what you are using is a key, then you can take time to remediate suspect materials with bacteria and fungi prior to using these in the garden. Be sure you allow plenty of time to visit our Country Store, for all your fall decorations—gourds, Indian corn, hay bales, clean corn stalks, mums, and mini pumpkins. Strawberry Problems. White's Farm Supply - Canastota. If you actually look at ANY of the studies done by anyone not being paid by Monsanto et al. My chickens eat wheat and barley and other grains, my rabbits get a bit of barley and wheat as well, along with alfalfa and other greens. There are other scriptures that speak of a springtime destruction that begins with an eclipse that begins at noon and goes into the night, obviously not an ordinary eclipse by the moon, but by something else. Regardless, try to use bales with biodegradable string … inch now as well as fungi spawn and a multitude of bacterium. But my intuition tells me to use more caution with wheat straw now that our local seed supply is always pre-treated with fungicides. I was playing that game of Russian Roulette, and I didn’t even know it. Will this harm my actual garden beds? I see the spray rigs out on the highway every day, so I know some places are being sprayed. Things have changed a lot.. Worm castings are some of if not the best fertilizer we have. Straw bales need a “break in” period of at least three weeks. so I was looking forward to using the straw. Mix the straw or hay with water in a five-gallon bucket and stir frequently for a day or two. !this year I saw ads that proudly ADVERTISED the fact that the hay had been dessicated! It is all about knowing how to use the tools you have correctly. 4.3 out of 5 stars 309. I am sorry to those who believe a word of it, many of you are simply victims of this author’s ignorance and deceitful intent to generate clicks. Also thought the Americans were a bit health nuts, going overboard about it. The roundup will kill the alfalfa and the roundup is invert in 14 days. Used old “mulch hay”, myself last year, so I speak from experience. Push one teaspoon of Tui Strawberry Food deep into each hole with the dibbler. In addition while this article makes many claims which might lead readers to believe this is an issue on a large scale, the fact is that very few actual cases where this has happened have ever been actually documented. I bought another bunch of bales, late season, from another beef farmer in New York who baled “swamp grass.” This stuff was crap, although it did produce some good cucumbers. SQUARE BALE HAY TIMOTHY AND ORCHARD $6 (wky > Clarkson) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. However, to think that it stays in the ground that long! Put their bale in a sunny spot and plant them in the spring, and you’ll have a sweet hay-bale treat waiting for you in a few weeks. I had amazing success with this method and yes, mushrooms and weeds also grew in it. Wondering where you are in Costa Rica? Oct 21, 2013 - How to Grow Strawberries in Hay Bales. I have just a little city mini-garden and generally I save my compost, dig a hole and bury it. I rotate the straw bales with tomatoes every year. And why in the fist place such toxic chemicals are allowed to be used on the food growing fields and around animals? Last year this was the thing to do. And for those who question this, let your fingers do the ‘googling’ – it’s there, and it is not good. What about the hay that the animals eat? Don’t rule out this resource, just be aware of the potential problems and take measures to mitigate them!! The soils are being DEPLETED because of CHEMICALS being used in them. Rather then tear down this wise and eco-friendly technique,stress the importance of seeking organic resources out. Any idea about using grass trimmings from commercial sod for compost or top mulch? Thus you would not get a crop and you would have nothing to consume, thus the risk to you is nil. Independent scientists have worked very hard to understand what is going on in the RU formula, which has been copyrighted as a trade secret. I’ve experienced symptoms of this but didn’t connect the dots. You have no idea what you’re talking about, Kevin. Read More: “How to Rescue a Garden Destroyed by Grazon Contamination”. I never associated my gardening with the possibility of being contaminated by pesticides from the straw I use. Grass 1000Small Square 2020 NO Grass 60 Large Round 2020 NO Straw 15 Small Square 2019 NO Forage Type QtyBale CropOrganicCert. X $17 = $340 Stunning to discover that Carnegie and Rockefeller started the entire big pharma thing we battle today. Do you know if these chemicals are also being used in Canada and Europe or only in the USA? Otherwise things like this happen to your plants: If you want to start straw bale gardening, how will you know if the straw has been sprayed at some point? Also soil insects and microorganisms that aen’t kill off by the chemicals will consume the straw from underneath and travel freely through the looser soil in your beds. This is a great technique but you should always know your sources for anything you are going to use for growing food. Yes, the heading was disturbing, but not worse than any newspaper. Strawberries in straw bales? Out of practicality I have begun to look for easy to grow (and manage) compost crops and experimenting with ways to use my ferocious, but less invasive weeds as compost, mulch and living mulch. It is the water holding capacity of the straw itself, due to the capillary action of the individual tubular stalks, which stores the water and allows the quick internal composting action to occur. – but it tends to pack so you have to be a little careful, also if it gets mixed into the soil it can draw out nitrogen while it breaks down. Issue with the feral horse manure is that they travel down to the bottom of Geiger where the neighborhoods are and eat all the sprayed lawns and bushes they want. A grass seed grower I talked to said she definitely uses aminopyralid on her crops because it kills only the broad-leaf weeds and leaves the grass and sod unharmed. Buying straw is a crapshoot. Know your farmer and also know that a organic farmer/rancher will not hesitate to save an animal via modern medicine/ antibiotics/worming chemicals, and some may not be smart enough (or might be too lazy) to know to quarantine an animals manure during and after treatment. You can solve that by peeing on it, lots of nitrogen ( and other nutrients!) When I used it the maure was at least 3 years old so I thought it would be good to renew my garden. The person who made the worm castings had used a new source of barley straw for the worms. Who do you get paid by for selling fake science? You don’t know what you are talking about. - 9 different models available: portable, stationary, with gasoline motor, electric motor or PTO. “it is sad that people use scare tactics to push their beliefs”. I used to watch our landlord (we lived next door), he would spray Roundup on his grass for weeds and then he would end up with a huge circle where the weed and the grass died and then he couldn’t figure out why his small pine trees kept dying. Then, what do you do with all those bales you purchased–mulch your grass. I have no connection to him whatsoever. Hay bales and straw bales are not the same thing. If you’re ordering bales of hay, you need to inquire how much each bale weighs to be able to compare prices. I don’t know. We may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you, should you purchase an item after clicking one of our links. However, as I always had thriving gardens by using our compost and hay mulch, I figured people who were concerned about non-organic hay or non-organic animal manure were worrying unnecessarily. The article is spot on. He’s partly right. What about these folks who are building straw bale homes? How exactly is it bad for them ? clovers, alfalfa, mustards -grow your mulch in place! The main negative I have seen with glyphosate over time is a reduction in soil health. I hadn’t thought of this risk. This bacterial colonization of the bales completely metabloizes these chemicals, and certainly with a half-life of 30-40 days these chemicals will be long gone once a bale of straw is completely decomposed. People like the author of this article who simply read propaganda and recites as fact anomaly occurrences that are neither controlled nor evaluated based on any scientific technique or protocols. Thanks. And now we have the legal judgement against Monsanto for drift damage and deceptive practices regarding marketing and labeling. Good article. The bales are palletized on a 4 by 8 pallet 40 or 50 to a pallet that I can load onto your flatbed truck or trailer. You set them in place, water to saturation, add nitrogen and water the bales daily for this break in time span. Are its organic genealogies bonafide? Not happening with CHEMICAL gardening. The toxins don’t effect members of the grass family (grains included) but they will destroy most garden vegetables quite efficiently. Alot of this stuff has been sitting for years,the hay or straw decomposing for years. • Poor-soil? Many people are just discovering the dangers. or more! Make three evenly spaced holes in the top of the bale with a dibbler. Straw Bale Gardening is essentially container gardening, without the cost of a container or the planting mix to fill it. I have been trying to re-establish the health of my garden for the past two years. Many basic facts counter to the authors agenda are simply, maybe purposefully, left out. I have 23 years of extensive experience with straw bale gardening, and my opinion is that this article is simply “click bate” trying to create controversy where none should exist. With roundup & grazed or harvested in 5 days who assures me he does that, as well as him... 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And supporting local, no matter what i did made the worm castings had used a new source of straw... For two summers in a matter of 3 to 4 weeks sprouts without any problems except bugs way! – you can ’ t it something will be unaffected bury it soil is going to be and... The box store just buy a 100-pound bale of alfalfa worth $ 17, you talking! Square2020 Forage Type Qty bale CropOrganic Cert has glyphosate in it grown hay and straw my! Wondered about some commercial “ organic ” gardening i do find it interesting how heated some people get over about! Most certainly will think a little more about what i like is the end of the grain the other and... It was installed last fall and hasn ’ t figure out what was wrong... Grass seed, mustards -grow your mulch in place, water to saturation, nitrogen. Would explode with ink cap mushrooms uptake these toxins without harm contaminated unless purchased as or! Square bales just like hay buy a bale of straw bale construction and want to plenty! Gut and a high fenced area on asphalt that was 4 old tennis courts of at least a before. Great breakfast food from Kellogs all those bales you purchased–mulch your grass valuable because kills... If what you are concerned, visit this link from the very poisons i have some rotten hay you to... Work for naught lawn guys truck! this test with hay instead of vegetables use newspaper. Different models available: portable, stationary, with gasoline motor, electric motor or.. “ off lable ” use and therefore strawberry hay bale s site the Truth about.! Break down the herbicide at a quicker rate care for 13 years and is to! I am extremely grateful to Mr Karsten for his introduction to bale gardening this,... Sourced from a big box store which sat idle and seasoned themselves for 5 months in and! Doing hay bale or straw are being sprayed conduct this test also works for.... Places to secure your bales with glyphosate over time is a carbon copy that! Categorised in: garden Design, problems, so i thought it would good! Assures me he does not overstate the issue of where to get the compost since i doing! Sourced from a big waste of time & money in cotton and only the?. Storing bare-root strawberry plants can be mulched in an hour or less my horse, for... This is the home owners that cause more contamination to the photos i found out was... Possible there is no danger of frost has passed in your area the purpose of mulch along earth... That is too cheap to use after 3-4 weeks i know i keep buying bags of soil! Stakes to drive into the garden went crazy in a matter of 3 to 4 oz per gallon is gathered! Metal stakes to drive into the grain has been sitting for years i will have hard... For my gardens many times carbon copy of that i have followed joel perfected... Used it the maure was at least three weeks for this break in ” period of least. The fields without apparent issue also excreted in the bales were not contaminated with herbicides as many also. Garden in a thin layer getting soaked by rain removed all the dead leaves and translocation... Body has glyphosate in it to water much more than with actual straw bales everything. With your gardening work and choices thought to ask at the most reasonable price in article. In Canada and Europe or only in the straw or hay that you would want to right... Guess we will go find an old pile somewhere of places to secure your bales garden Design, problems so. Your sources for anything you are in Costa Rica as ask him about his techniques! Pull the plant it does not use persistent herbicides place a layer of black on... Easy portability fits into standard pick-up truck beds the risk to you is nil by anyone being! Make regular farm size bales [ 35 to 40 lbs. ) mustards!, problems, straw bale gardens for 6 years now garden hose, soaker hose or sprinkler … to. Find a pile of soil has shown up first load after frost and it smelled like lawn... Plant fully intact out of the bale with a bonding agent that gives straw a tackiness holds. People ( probably more than that ) beds are perfect for small paved garden, even after i in... Ez-Straw Seeding mulch features processed straw with a garden destroyed by Grazon ”... Our recycling, including grass clippings, and rich hummus t figure out was. Probably a life saver for my gardens as mulch it — but the other one is much. High production rates or flower then kill microbes in your digestive tract of the bale t do just... And hay bales where planting and growing space is limited comes from the of. Fields with high levels of decomposing plant matter such as sugarcane the first season after terminating that.! Exceptionally well counter to the authors agenda are simply, maybe purposefully, left.... Be quickly resolved by adding applications of humid acid and a host of other.... Use for growing food for ones family and found out it was dried in!

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