
why language policy is important

But especially if you’re running a company with employees in another country, where the native language is different from your own, the rules can quickly get confusing. Now, languages evolve and diversify over time. Take a look at the meaning of gender-neutral language and why it's important for us to use terms that are more inclusive and representative of reality. Pop your email in to sign up for your monthly Focus newsletter:*. Such reasons could be to improve health and safety (by ensuring everyone on-site understands processes and practices for example) or legal compliance (i.e. Why? First and foremost, learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful, rich, melodious language that is often called the language of love. Because it is not a huge part of the other cultures. Many of you probably remember that the words he and his were used generically in English language. Do you have a language policy? It isn’t important for everyone to study philosophy of language. In a third section I explain, first, why this new and emerging debate could en- lighten sociolinguists and language policy theorists, and, second, why political Whether you’re a business owner, student or employee, English is incredibly important in the business world. Policies for schools are created at the local, state and federal levels. Neuliep, James; Intercultural Communication, 2nd edition (221-222), Image by Наталия Когут from Pixabay, Events Leading Up to the Attack on Pearl Harbor: 5 Important Facts, Steps to Subtract Fractions: Solving Subtracting Problems That Involve Fractions. In Japanese culture precise articulation is appreciated much less than speaking between the lines or being understood without words; therefore the language is used quite differently. We don’t want to waste a lot of time “translating” difficult, wordy documents. It is critically important to develop language policies that ensure the access of minority populations to prestigious forms of national standard languages and literacies while supporting the intergenerational retention of minority languages, both indigenous and immigrant languages. If you wanted to learn Japanese, it would be impossible to do so without learning about their culture. Download our Language in the Workplace whitepaper for more information on what these two types of discrimination are, and how best to avoid them. As reported above, the maximum award for race discrimination in 2014/15 was £209,188, although the average (£17,319) and median (£8,025) figures give a better indication of your exposure in the event of a successful claim. French is also an analytical language that structures thought and develops critical thinking, which is a valuable skill for discussions and negotiations. Recent appreciation for Māori culture and the importance of Te Reo Māori in New Zealand history has sparked a fresh interest in the language’s protection. Our language is the most important part of our being. Polish – 546,000 (1% of the workplace) This journal covers both language policy and educational policy. Why is language important to culture? The style of language is focused on speaker and depends on someone’s status and identity. • is written using simple, clear, concise language. I think it is important to learn other languages, other forms of communication besides our own because it helps us to learn about other peoples and cultures. Educational policies are rules that are intended to help schools teach students efficiently, fairly and safely. • considers why the reader will need this information. Language policy and planning decisions have a major impact on language vitality and, ultimately, on the rights of the individual. Copyright © 2020 Bright Hub Education. Humans acquire language through social interaction in early childhood, and children generally speak fluently when they are approximately three years old.. cept of language on which the various language policy approaches are based. Panjabi – 273,000 (0.5%). [caption id="attachment_130728” align="aligncenter” width="640”]. Public policy is important because policy choices and decisions made by those in power affect nearly every aspect of daily life, including education, healthcare and national security. Importance of languages development. 9. Local Authorities Handed New Powers to Enforce COVID Controls. When the culture changes, so does the language. Another interesting example is the word “ilunga”. The most important one, however, that we can learn is our own mother tongue as this is one of the most basic parts of our identity. Decisions about language policies, requirements, and practices have important consequences in all social contexts. A former marketing consultant and agency client-lead, Stuart is responsible for communications and content at Moorepay. It comes from the Tshiluba language of the Republic of Congo and is considered to be the most untranslatable word in the world. The word “shopping”, which describes one of the most favorite activities of Americans, doesn’t exist in some other languages (such as for example in Russian) as a noun. Download our Language in the Workplace whitepaper, justify a potentially indirectly discriminatory language policy. The principles of the Official Languages Act and other important components of language policy were enshrined in the 1982 Constitution through the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In 2014/15 (the last year for which figures are available), the maximum award for race discrimination was £209,188. In this instance, if the employer could demonstrate that the ability to speak a particular standard of English is necessary for the satisfactory performance of the position then that should be sufficient, but you should ask your employment law advisor or legal team to be certain. It could amount to indirect discrimination as the requirement to speak good English is likely to adversely impact on those who are not native English speakers, and who are therefore less likely (logically) to be able to comply. Two of the most frequently used words in our culture are “I” and “you”. Another way to show why language is important to culture is to look at the vocabulary that a particular culture is using. It presents papers that deal with the widest range of cases, situations and regions. On the other hand Asian cultures use an indirect style of communication. The most common reason for having a language policy is safety – to ensure everyone can effectively communicate in an unsafe or emergency situation. If we save time, we save money. In the same way, learners automatically transfer knowledge acquired in one language to another language as soon as they have learned sufficient vocabulary in the new language. Employers need to be careful again to avoid indirect discrimination by showing a legitimate business reason to use a common language. An employer will need to show objective justification for the requirement. A company’s language policy can seem relatively straightforward at first glance, and writing it down might seem unnecessary. Noam Chomsky, one of the most well known linguists in the world, argues that all languages are dialects of one language, which is the human language. SSO solves key problems for the business by providing: Greater security and compliance. Compared to other cultures, American culture is not very formal, so it is appropriate to say “you” to your boss, to the President, to a stranger, to your spouse or to your child. Undoubtedly, English play a much greater role in the world that it is inevitable for people to ignore it fully. He says that even though they appear very different, they are in fact very similar. Plain language means readers understand your documents more quickly. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. And with a significant number (8 per cent) not having English as their first language, employers often experience challenges in the workplace around the languages employees speak and need to be careful they do not discriminate (intentionally or otherwise) against their employees. What is the Real Cost of Poor H&S Policies? The need to tightly coordinate tasks and work with customers and partners worldwide has accelerated the English is considered to be one of the most important business languages due to being the de facto language of the United States and the official language of the UK, Canada, India and South Africa. Can you Offer Reduced Pay to Homeworkers? English is one of the most dominating language of the world which is having its impact on every field of work. There’s no question that unrestricted multilingualism is inefficient and can prevent important interactions from taking place and get in the way of achieving key goals. In recent years enrollments in foreign language courses have decreased rather dramatically across the U.S. It is important also to realize that language and language policy both exist in (and language management must contend with) highly complex, interacting and dynamic contexts, the modification of any part of which may have correlated effects (and causes) on any other part. Unfortunately, Calvin College is no exception. On one level, there are tensions between its two official language groups, Afrikaans and English. Fifty years ago nobody was suspecting that one day in the United States the words “mother” and “father” would become controversial and that some schools would agree to change them both to “parent”. It is not only important to people with low literacy or poor academic skills. 10. Public policy decisions are made daily and cover all levels of government. Company Number: 00891686, Why you need a language policy for your workplace [Q&A + PDF]. Has it been updated in the last 12 months? Benefits of SSO. The production of language is a continuous process.. Here’s a quick Q&A to help you understand why you need a language policy, and what it should cover. We’re all busy people. In Thai language there are twelve forms of the pronoun “you”, which depend of factors such as status or level of intimacy. Contextual style of communication is used in collectivistic cultures (such as Asian.) to ensure everyone understands how to comply with industry regulations). The language policy is based on the following principles: 2.2.1 A commitment to the promotion of language equity and language rights as required by a democratic dispensation; 11 National Language Policy Framework - 2003 2.2.2 Recognising that languages are resources to … One of the best known European attempts at language revitalization concerns the Irish language.While English is dominant through most of Ireland, Irish, a Celtic language, is still spoken in certain areas called Gaeltachtaí, but there it is in serious decline. Ilunga describes a person who is ready to forgive any transgression a first and a second time, but never for a third time. Since the United States and most of the English-speaking Western Europe are becoming less and less male-dominant cultures, the grammar rules have been changed and new gender agreement rules were created. But language is much more than just a means of communication. In this article, I will explain all the reasons and factors which show the importance of the English language … While there is still some debate whether the particular language influences people’s thought process or it is indeed people’s culture that influences the language, there is no doubt that language and culture are closely connected. Nevertheless, different cultures have a predominant fashion in which they use their language and they have differences which cannot be underestimated. Why you need a language policy for your workplace [Q&A + PDF] The diversity of the 31m members of the British workforce means people of different nationalities, languages and cultures are working side-by-side every day. Linguists point out that it is impossible for Americans to hold a conversation without using these pronouns. It is also an inseparable part of our culture. Ask Moorepay for expert advice on all things payroll and HR. While there is still some debate whether the particular language influences people’s thought process or it is indeed people’s culture that influences the language, there is no doubt that language and culture are closely connected. • offers basic knowledge of the company, as well as specific details. Plain language is direct, everyday language and plain language is for everyone. There is a declining belief in the value of the humanities and of a liberal arts education. Urdu – 269,000 (0.5%) South Africa is a multi-lingual society that has some unique linguistic problems because of its policy of apartheid. There are two types of discrimination – Direct and Indirect – and you need to ensure your policies and practices steer clear of both. We’re happy to answer any questions … Why use plain language? Single sign-on (SSO) in the enterprise refers to the ability for employees to log in just one time with one set of credentials to get access to all corporate apps, websites, and data for which they have permission. All Rights Reserved. For example, if you teach learners in their mother tongue, that seeds need soil, moisture and warmth to germinate. And what is your current position on speaking English (or any other language for that matter) in the workplace? Japanese pay a lot of attention to someone’s status and they use linguistic forms called honorifics, which are used according to the rank of the person who is speaking and who he or she is speaking to. Languages develop to be used for 3 Objectives: All of that being said, we are a friendly, honest company, based in London, UK, and this document is far scarier than we are! Again, you’ll find guidance on how to justify a potentially indirectly discriminatory language policy in our new whitepaper. Improved usability and employee satisfaction. In 2012, Christopher Trudeau, from the Thomas Cooley Law School at the Western Michigan University in the USA, undertook a study into the language … We are encouraged to be direct and to speak our mind. It is a uniquely human gift which lets us communicate and differentiates us from primates. Many people don’t realize that there are plenty of words that cannot be translated from one language to another simply because they don’t exist in another language. This article aims to know about the “Importance of the English Language for Students in Education“.That how much the English language is important for the students in all over the world.. Plain language writing saves time. The third reason language planning is important to a country is that language planning determines how language or languages will be acquired, or taught, in the national educational systems. Basically, the advantages of learning foreign languages have the ability to set you up for success in nearly every aspect of your life (NBD). So, why is it important to learn a foreign language? • uses a clear format that is reader-friendly. • provides consequences if policies and procedures are not followed It is being increasingly acknowledged as a cornerstone of New Zealand culture, and an important part of the country’s heritage. English is the third most widely-spoken language in terms of native speakers, of which it has at least 330 million. Traditionally, the discourse on language policy in the U.S.has been framed as an either-or choice between English and other languages. Having a blanket English-only rule, like saying workers can never speak any other language anywhere at work, is likely to get a business in trouble with the EEOC should a discriminatory issue arise. Plain language is good customer service and makes life easier for the public. The key law to consider is the Equality Act 2010, which gives employees protection from discrimination based on a set of protected characteristics, including Race discrimination (defined as colour, nationality, ethnic and national origins). Languages were typically spoken not written. Stuart (MCIPR) is a trained journalist, writer and marketer with ten years' experience in B2B, public sector and employee communications. Cultures such as the United States or Western Europe value self-expression and verbal precision. Language Policy contributes to the growth of the field by publishing high-quality studies that help build a sound theoretical understanding of the subject area. Language is an important part of our lives. Here are 10 reasons why English is such an important language. Check out these seven reasons to study a foreign language: Words such as “perhaps” and “maybe” are used much more frequently than “yes”, “no” or “for sure”. On another level, there are linguistic tensions between the ethnic Europeans and the black majority, mostly in regard to language instruction in schools. So, why is translation so important? 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The language of love and reason. The same goes for the word “fast food”, which is not only not popular, but unacceptable in many other cultures. I hope this article helped you understand why language is important to culture and hopefully encouraged you to cherish the language you speak even more. The United States, which is an individualistic culture, uses a personal style of communication. But if you count the people who speak it as a second language, it’s the most popular language in the world. Not taking health and safety seriously can not only put your workers at risk, but…, As a new year dawns and COVID-19 vaccines roll out across the country, we examine…, Parliament has passed new legislation that grants powers to local authorities to enforce a wide…, Lowry Mill, Lees StreetSwinton Manchester, M27 6DB, © 2020 Moorepay Limited. 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